How many plagues did God send on Egypt in the book of Exodus?
Correct! As we are told in Exodus, beginning in chapter 7, God sent 10 plagues to Egypt in order to free the Israelites from their bondage.Â
Read more about this story in Exodus 7-11.
Listen to what The Breathe Life Bible teaches us about Moses from this passage:
“I am Moses. God first called me from within a miraculous burning bush. There, He told me that He had seen the misery of Israel caused by the slave drivers in Egypt. God had heard their cries, and the time had come for their rescue and freedom.
Then, Almighty God said He was sending me to bring His people out of Egypt. How could I, a man who came from the Hebrew slaves and who was also slow of speech and tongue, accomplish such a task? I knew I had no power to free the Israelites. But God said He would be with me.
So that I could tell God’s people who had sent me to them, I asked God His name. He answered, “I am who I am.” He is the one true God. God’s mighty hand would work amazing wonders and compel Pharaoh to release the people of Israel. I asked God to send someone else. He would not and instead made my brother, Aaron, my mouthpiece to speak tot he Israelites.
I went to Pharaoh again and again, telling him to free God’s people. But he was hard-hearted and refused. With each refusal, God brought a plague upon Egypt. Pharaoh remained hard-hearted through nine devastating plagues. Then, the tenth plague brought death to all the firstborn of the land. Pharaoh’s own son was struck down. But the firstborn of Israel were passed over by the destroyer – the angel of death – because God had told us to place a lamb’s blood around our doors to protect us.
God did as He promised. He freed His people from bondage in Egypt and led them to the land flowing with milk and honey. But Moses did not enter with them because of his disobedience to God. It is a reminder that when God calls us, we need to obey and act no matter who we are and what God calls us to do. He will equip us for the task.
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