A mother is one who bears and/or rears children. References to motherhood are found throughout Scripture: conception (Genesis 4:1), pregnancy (Luke 1:24), childbirth (Is. 66:7-9), breastfeeding (1 Sam. 1:23). Mothers were to be respected and obeyed (Ex. 20:12).
Motherhood is a Ministry
More than a job or a responsibility, mothering is a ministry. Most assuredly it takes work! It means sacrifice. Children do not come off an assembly line, nor are they the by-product of an impersonal biological process; they are to be lovingly nurtured by their mothers (2 Timothy 1:3-5).
Mothers divide time among their children but multiply their love for all their children. To this they add the care of the home, often subtracting many extras in order to do so.
Motherhood Illustrates God’s Love
When Isaiah the prophet searched for an illustration of God’s constant love for His people, the best example he could find was a new baby’s mother (Isaiah 49:15). Mothers have enduring love that even the most trying circumstances or rebellious child cannot dim.
As a mother lets go of her own life for the sake of her child, she is reminded of the depth and height and breadth of God’s love for her, and in a unique way she experiences the true joy of motherhood. This is a truth that will transform any suffering of sacrifice into reward and joy (1 John 3:16).
Mothers in the Bible
There are caring mothers in the Bible: Hagar, wandering in the wilderness, wept for her child, and God responded to the cry of her heart by revealing a well of water nearby to quench the thirst of her and her child (Genesis 21:16,19). Jochebed defied Pharaoh in order to save the life of her son (Exodus 2:1-8). The mother who appealed to Solomon was willing to let another woman enjoy her child rather than see the child murdered (1 Kings 3:26). Hannah was devoted to her son, yet willingly offered him to the Lord (1 Samuel 1:27-28). On the other hand, there are wicked mothers such as Athaliah, the idolatrous mother of King Ahaziah, who guided her son into devotion to evil (2 Kings 8:26-27).
Ministering through Motherhood
God has a plan for mothers (Exodus 2:1-10). The high calling is an all-consuming task: in the morning, you can read God’s Word to your child; at mealtime, you are to give attention to meeting physical needs; as you are outside, you can teach your child about the beauty of creation; at bedtime, you can pray for your child and give assurance. The reward is worth the effort (Proverbs 31:28).
Goldy mothers are the nation’s greatest treasure, the Lords’ best helpers, and the most blessed among women.
This article is taken from the Woman’s Study Bible. Click here for more information.
Special features designed to speak to a woman’s heart appear throughout the Bible text, revealing Scripture-based insights about how godly womanhood grows from a woman’s identity as a Christ-follower and a child of the Kingdom. With a beautiful full-color design, The Woman’s Study Bible reflects the contributions of over 80 women from a wide variety of ethnic, denominational, educational, and occupational backgrounds.