Day 8
In his book Sacred Listening, James Wakefield says, “With our imagination and reason, with our 5 bodily senses, and especially with our emotions, we become secondhand witnesses of the events of Scripture.”
The video for today asks us to do just that.
Approaching the Bible with sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch is particularly helpful for those who tend to connect to Scripture on a purely cognitive level. Rather than viewing the facts from afar, we come up close. Our whole person gets involved in understanding and living the Bible. We no longer just read a book; we live an event.
Dr. Collins challenges us to use our imagination, reason, and emotion when picturing the story of the woman caught in adultery in John 8.
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16 replies on “Abide Bible – Day 8 in The Gospel of John”
I am really liking your videos on the study of the book of John. I would like to purchase an Alive Bible, but I can not find it on the internet . Would you please let me know where I can get the entire Bible? I have been looking for a study Bible with this format that helps me study and be more involved in my study.
I am thankful for this Abide Bible study, as it gives me a better understanding of how to meditate instead of memorizing scripture.
I have learned a lot that He is the only one who can forgive sin
I really like the way the commentator gets me to use my imagination to picture what the people are doing. Really brings the scripture to life.
I loved this “Picture It’ contemplation, because I truly believe that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever and we CAN place ourselves in the story.
Please would you be so kind as to resend me Day 10 as I did not get it.
As Jesus wrote in the ground, I am reminded GOD told (recorded in numbers 32:23) your sin will find you out. Now I am convicted of secrets in the past, unconfessed; now I am forgiven. Praise the Lord.
I am learning to listen to every word and understand tg better
Why is love lifted me not sufficient for so many people? As I continue in this study I am reminded of the awesomeness of GOD’s love. I am thankful for this study.
Thank you so much Dr. Collins for creating these videos and for using the Abide Bible so that we may get a clearer and deeper understanding of Jesus. These videos are helping me out so much, and I’m so thankful and grateful to God for using you in this way. Stay blessed!
I am thankful for this study. i am gaining a greater love for the scriptures.
The “picture it” technique is by far my favorite technique of all the scripture engagement techniques. If anyone is looking for the book by Jame Wakefield that the quote Dr. Collins read it’s actually called “Sacred Listening”. I know it’s too late but I want to mention that the background music in these videos is too loud and often drowns out Dr. Collins’ voice. Often times I can’t make out his words because of this and have to replay that portion of the video and listen extra close.
Thank you so much for these teachings as I draw nearer and closer to Jesus Christ through His word
Never thought of these different ways to bring scripture to life. It is refreshing to see how Gods uses different venues to reveal His truth & mysteries into my spirit. It is a blessing for sure.
Thank you for your obedience to His Word. We are rewarded. Blessings to you, Phil
I am learning how to connect in ..my spirit to God’s word when I’m reading the word.
I’m really enjoying the Picture it technique!! It really makes me think and visualize the scenes more clearly!! Thank you
I’m enjoying the study in John. I keep saying this, but the background music is SO distracting. In fact there are times when the music is louder than Dr. Collins. If you could just either stop the music or soften the music.