Day 7
We live in a world where everyone has opinions and the platforms to voice them. Sometimes those opinions drown out facts, making truths more and more difficult to find.
For Jesus, many people had opinions about who He was – a prophet; a fake Messiah; an uneducated man from the small town of Galilee. Not much has changed in 2,000 years.
In today’s video, we will reflect about why people have so many different opinions of Jesus. We’ll take time to journal how we respond when confronted with those opinions that differ from us.
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13 replies on “Abide Bible – Day 7 in The Gospel of John”
The journal process is very great because it helps putting words on i really think
Thank you so much for going through the book of John. It is opening up my eyes on other ways to study this book and the others. Now I can always go back and look at my notes for this book.
This lesson showed my progress in my walk with Jesus. The more knowledge I get the better I am to respond, or not respond. Lesson made me look at the way the people looked at Him at that time period and maybe even today.
Even today, people have problems accepting the truth. Going through this study helps me see where I have missed the mark of understanding. Mostly through ignorance and unsound teaching in the past.
I really like listening to this study and learning the various ways to appreciate God’s Word. It is interesting to think about how different people responded to Jesus’ teachings. I’m praying that as I ponder this, Jesus will help me to respond better to those around me who do not believe.
Am blessed by all the sessions so far. And for today’s broadcasst,It is interesting to think about how different people responded to Jesus’ teachings. It’s my prayer people really understand who Jesus Christ is.
Thank you for sharing what you wrote in your journal. It helped me to know what kinds of things to write.
When in discussions about Jesus and what to say, it reminds me of the passage from Matthew 10:19- “do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.
I pray for God to give me the boldness and words to speak to others that don’t believe.
i appreciate a .pdf copy of the book of john…i can highlight passages and parts of the abide commentaries without marking my new copy of the abide bible. i also appreciate the commentaries, because they focus what i should be considering as i read/contemplate the scriptures.
Journaling is a very good way of studying the word. And the guidance from the passage on how to reflect helps. When people have different opinions about Jesus, I usually keep quiet. I don’t like arguing, however, I trust God to guide me through Holy Spirit to whom he wants me to talk to about Jesus and what to say.
No one can come to me unless it is granted by the Father. He who seeks the glory of the one who sent him is true. We can understand the first sentence if we seek the glory of God to find out if predestination is so.
I read a few years ago in a New Scientist publication article that humans were living at an unatural pace which was too fast for them. This contemplative approach to the bible helps to get us back in time with God and the pace that He created in our beings.
I’m enjoying the study in the book of John and the different ways that he is describing. I know I’ve said it before but I find the music VERY distracting. I don’t think there needs to be any music or at the least play it more softly, it’s way too loud.