Day 18
“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” – Pablo Picasso
As we have already discussed, art can deepen our appreciation of the various ways in which we experience God. It can challenge us, illuminate truths or points of view we’ve never examined, and create emotions that inspire or transform us.
The devotion in today’s video is taken from Michelangelo Merisi Da Caravaggio’s masterpiece entitled The Taking of Christ. In the painting, Carvaggio has reimagined himself as an observer in this situation, painting himself on the far right holding a lantern. His face, along with many others in the painting, creates quite an emotional scene.
As you read John 18 and meditate on Carvaggio’s artwork, what emotions do you feel? Which character do you relate to and why?
How did today’s devotion impact you?
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2 replies on “Abide Bible – Day 18 in The Gospel of John”
The comments in the abide bible show me that i see Jesus primarily as my friend. I see that I need to see Jesus as THE Highest King, and be willing to submit to that authority, as well as contemplate more fully what it means to work for His Kingdom.
three days left – the scripture passage that stands out – He did not lose one – more in depth notes on the works of art would be welcome – how do I obtain these?