Day 17
Have you ever found yourself reading a passage of Scripture but your lack of slowing down and letting that passage wash over you makes you forget what you just read? Then you must start all over, concentrating twice as hard as before. Frustrating, right?!
Thomas Manton, an English Puritan clergyman in the 17th century, said that meditation is an important key to keeping us alert as we read the Bible. To read the Scriptures and not meditate on what you read is, as Manton says, “like putting a thing into a bag with holes.”
Make sure your bag – i.e., your mind – doesn’t have any holes as you slow down and meditate on God’s Word from John 17.
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7 replies on “Abide Bible – Day 17 in The Gospel of John”
It is most comforting knowing that some 1988 years ago, Jesus prayed for me. Not only me but my wife, my children, and my grandchildren. He prayed for all those that I witness to. Thank you, GOD, for your care and love for the world, even those who would reject you.
We are sanctified by His truth. His word is truth. The Bible is His word. Jesus is the Word.
It is awesome to think that the God of the universe, the Creator of heaven and earth desires for us to be with Him even as he was in Jesus and Jesus was in His disciples. Jesus prayer was that we also might be in Him even as He is in us.
Today it stood out to me again: The one we worship was here in person. God was here in person! It thrills me to think that he wanted us to see him and know him so much that he came and showed us the true picture. I feel loved and secure.
It is so weird. Not 15 minutes before listening to this I posted on fb what love truly is 1 John 4:10. God does not love us for our goodness, kindness or great faith. God loves us because of His goodness, Hiss kindness, and His great faith. God loves us simply because He chooses to! What an Awesome God we have!
And, Wow! He turns right around and lets me know He heard me! Tell me God does not speak directly to us!! He certainly does too! If you hang out with Him He talks to you all the time! He’s as gabby as I am! Much more patient and wise though…still, great sense of humor!! Loved this! Thank you!
I have been meditating on love lately. I just posted some thoughts on love I had found in a Bible my dad gave me years ago. I had made a bookmark, that was in there still.
I posted it minutes before watching this! Just proof that God is always in communication with us when we invite Him in! He speaks to us in all kinds of ways! Ways that we just pass off as coincidence or insignificant. But, like you said, when you meditate things are so much more clear. Those bumps in the road, those huge obstacles, turn out to be the path to some of your greatest miracles. Some of your most amazing protection. And, some of your most unimaginable answers to worries and problems.
There is the greatest joy in life to be found in a personal relationship with God and Jesus as our Guide! He DOES walk with us, talk with us, and loves no end!! Thank you for the reminder.
continuing from the previous chapter : Jesus says that the disciples are God’s and He lost not one except – He has them through God. The Word is God’s Truth and Jesus the living Truth. We are in Him and so in God just like the disciples. God’s Word and Gods Word brought to life – His word only in it’s entirity guides our lives and develops our relationship as we change by immersing in the Word and Gods Truth.