Day 10
Jesus is our Good Shepherd and we are His flock. Jesus explains that disciples will “follow him because they recognize his voice. They will never follow a stranger, but will run away from him, because they do not recognize the stranger’s voice” (vv. 4-5, NET).
How well do you recognize the voice of Jesus?
Let’s meditate on that question as we examine the Good Shepherd story in John 10 using a beautiful painting by Jean-Francois Millet.
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6 replies on “Abide Bible – Day 10 in the Gospel of John”
Wow. The good Shepherd watching and gathering His sheep. None should be loss. I am glad to be in the fold of the good Shepherd.
I am sheep and Jesus is my Shepard He laid down is life for me thanks you God amen
As a free thinking, independent citizen, it is most difficult to be a sheep. Thank GOD for His patience with me. Thank you for the study on John.
Charles Spurgeon said a: “A Christian is not a lonely dog, We Christians are
sheep” and Jesus is our Shepard.
Thank You, Jesus, for being the good shepherd. You are with me constantly always providing exactly what i need. Yesterday i cried out to you about some distress, and you gave me a ‘reset’ that i really needed. You restored my mental outlook and physical energy, as well as my soul. I want to be responsive to your voice, and stay close to you.
I thank Jesus for His mercy for me, He knows my name, His life gave for me. I know that just like He will gather my families, through this studies I have enter into the relationship I was so wanted with my Good Shepher. Praise Him and thank you for the so needed study.