Day 1
Welcome to Abide: 21 Days in John
Each day, for the next 21 days, you will learn how to get more from your time in the Bible by spending about 15 minutes on one chapter. Along the way, the various time-tested approaches will shape not just how you read the Bible, but also how you live in response to it.
After Jesus washed His disciples’ feet, He told them, “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches . . . As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love” (John 15:4-5, 9, NKJV). These same words ring true to all of His followers now. We dwell with Christ the way a branch dwells on a vine, in a life-sustaining connection. The vine gives the branch all it needs to live and bear fruit.
One of the ways we can dwell in Jesus is to abide in God’s Word. Many of us are familiar with Bible study as a foundational aspect of the Christian life. But have you ever engaged with God’s Word on a deeper level – not just for knowledge but to experience it anew? Where you don’t skim the text but slow down and let it wash over you, soaking into your mind and heart?
In today’s lesson, you will read the passage in John’s Gospel where Jesus invites potential followers to “come and see” (1:39, NKJV). Using the ancient practice of contemplation, Dr. Phil Collins, your guide for the next 21 days, encourages you to slow down and absorb this story.
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The Abide Bible will change how you interact with God through His Word. See the options available, from Bibles to book-by-book journals you can use to develop a rich experience in Scripture.
233 replies on “Abide 21 Days in John – Day 1”
I spent numerous years reading the bible but I never used this method that will help to fully engage the scriptures’ like this. I would sometime get lost in what I was trying to study, (kind of like getting lost in a forest without a compos). I truly am excited about going through the book of John and applying what I learned to any of the other books of the bible.
My keen interest has been knowing how to abide and consistently abiding in Christ. I find this devotion making that simple for me
Can I buy the Abide version! The download is too small on my iPad or read or study.
I am so excited to have found the Abide Bible and have ordered one. Today’s study was so refreshing and I look forward to delving into the Scriptures this way. Thank you!
I have been feeling a nudge from the Holy Spirit to study the book of John but have been struggling to get to a point of deep revelation and understanding why the book of John. This morning while reading Chapter 6 and going over and over on it Holy Spirit send me to my emails where I found and invite to this study, thank you so much for making this available to us. I am already feeling relieved and have direction from the word. This is the best thank you so much
Dry interesting love it but is there a way to buy this Bible nkjv of abide I thank you for sending the invitation to me
Hi Nancy, the Abide Bible is available in NKJV here: https://www.thomasnelsonbibles.com/product/the-abide-bible-nkjv/
I have been trying to find ways to read the Bible and this morning it gave me new insight how to seek the Lord personally. It’s really an eye opening for me and would endeavour to follow the step of the Abide Bible.
I thoroughly appreciate finding the Abide Bible! I feel Jesus calls us to move forward in our relationship with Him. Today I am blessed to move forward with Him with a better understanding of reading, meditating, praying and contemplating in that I may know and love God AND know and love others better each day.
this was very helpful.
Thank you so much for this. That’s all I can really say.
I don’t know how to Bible Study. I don’t know how anything really besides reading random verses and the usual prayer. This resource made contemplating the Word of God not only simple and concise but fun.
Looking forward to Day Two.
Thanks for this learning session and time spent. I am still struggling to make an habit to read and study the Bible and I do believe this will help a lot.
Thank you
This was a great study time and video. Just long enough and made me feel like my teacher was right there with me in the room teaching me personally great truths to dig into the Word. It was so easy to access and download the Book of John. Thank you!
Look forward to daily studies,,Very good !
Thank you! This has opened avenues for Bible study which I have not been aware of – and how inspirational and enlightening they are. It is opening up a way of study and meditation which has already been such a blessing
I enjoy day 1. Looking forward for day 2 . Thank you so much.
I’ve been trying to understand the bible more and this is a wonderful way for me to write and speak on the bible to friends and family who are lost to sin
Thank you for this study. It calls and causes us to dwell in the Word. John was my book that helped me fall in love with Jesus many years ago. This study revives that deep awe and beauty of my Savior.
Love it; especially like the NET gospel. Just had chance to start today : Day 1
I like the Red letter edition of the New King James Version.
Thank you.
Thank you very much for the study! May all of us keep discovering more of the greatest book – Bible, and God bless!
I loved it, brings the word to life
Love this format, excellent leader in Dr. Collins, impactful study time. Thank You for offering this top-notch material for free!
Thank you this was very encouraging !
Powerful guidance, which helped me to read and gain more insight. Inviting the Holy Spirit to meet me in my thoughts was Powerful, this came to light as I read Jhn 1:35-51
I have been struggling with having a relationship with Jesus as I did not know how to truthfully, wholeheartedly invite him but I see after this that He is actually inviting me to be one with Him and I am excited about this journey I am taking with Him
May God Almighty bless yous all Amen
Fulfilling and rewarding. Thank you.
I truly enjoyed this session. It was a real eye-opener for me on how to meditate on scripture and to allow the Holy Spirit to lead me into areas of my life that He wants to bring into focus. Thank you so much for introducing me to this new approach to not just engaging scriptures but engaging God. Looking forward to Day 2
I am very thankful that the book of John is a deep revelation study where I can comprehend the word of God understanding what God is saying to me.
Thank you for this Bible study on the Book of John. I am new in Christ and was guided to start reading the word beginning with John. I pray for us all who found this site to be Transformed by the Renewing of Our Minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.
I feel like I am doing better at thinking (pondering) about what I’m reading in the moment, but I also feel like I don’t retain what I read for very long, so I am hoping this helps me with that & John is my favorite Gospel so I’m looking forward to the next 20 days. Thank you.
Just this morning my daily devotion based on Romans 6:13 (Offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life), reminded me that the Man who loved me enough to die for me could be absolutely trusted with the total concerns of the life He had saved. Day 1 reminds me that He has invited me to come and see Him, to know Him and to abide in Him. Knowing Him more deepens that trust, and ultimately leads to a deeper surrender of my will for His.
I have never used this method of studying the Bible, and look forward to renewing my time with God.
This process of contemplation is very enriching to the body soul and mind. This gave me anew perspective in my life in this new year. Meditation of the word of God is powerful and its long lasting. Thank you brother for standing in the gap for me to teach me the word of God in this way
A nice review of familiar practices. The Abide Bible is a keeper!
thought it was good
I love to read the word of God and am thankful to find the 21 day reading and taking time to understand what Jesus is showing us in his word thought it was good and inlighting
I am truly blessed to be part of this study group. I love that God helps me find when he sees me in trouble
he reminds me to come, see, and remain with him. He is the true vine, and we are the branches…
This was so refreshing. Going through 21 days of fasting and this is an amazing study guide to come and see (behold , experience and encounter) the Lord.
Enjoyed every bit of the session and time seemed to have passed very quickly.
A very good way of looking at scriptures by allowing what stands out to minister to you. I want to “come and see” so that I remain (abide) in Him.
This study is such a blessing! Thank you!
Thank you so much, this refreshing and so much needed.
Thank you. What a blessing your resource is! Looking very much forward to Day 2.
Today’s devotional helped me to see that Jesus is exactly who and what he says he is . That he is real and he wants me to know him so he can change me and teach me.
Great start to a new way to talk to God.
I love this session – so soothing and peaceful. Food for my soul. Jesus asked me to “Come and see” Him at a deeper level. To seek Him and in His presence I found peace.
I’ve been a Christian for a long time and I never was taught how to read and study the scripture this way.
I’m so excited about this Bible study. Praise Jesus, it’s so refreshing!
I have desired to have a deeper understanding of God’s word, and this is a great start….am inspired to do much more.
Thank you for providing such a forum
I have always read the Bible as a history book, always ending in trying to find deeper meaning. This is very helpful for me.
Different but I enjoyed it. Looking forward to the next lesson.
I enjoyed the teaching very helpful . I’ve been wanting go and grow deeper with my relationship with God
I’m excited to delve into this Abide bible. I watched day one of the study of the book of John and I’m amazed at how much more I got out of the words in the bible by actually engaging in scripture. Thanks for this new way of bible study.
I’ve read little to understand the back ground of how God’s word was writen and made for to grasp his concept and live it , it’s amazing and most of all to experience God’s ❤ and word come alive in me it’s fascinating.
I pray , go to church, never really spend time reading God’s word. I want to know and and spend time understanding God’s word for my life.
Very interactive and catches ones attention bringing meaning and understanding
Very good insights, enjoyed the study
thank you for giving me another way to look at the Bible especially the Gospel of John, one of my favorite books. This way helps me to slow down and take in the meaning that John is showing us on a different level.
I’m deeply moved with just how easy it is to love and follow and understand the bible passage using this method. thank you
Looking forward to the study. Thank you
It shows me another way to learn more about Jesus’ love for His people and how He is always there for us, I have been looking for new ways to learn more about Jesus and to understand what I read. I will have to get myself an abide Bible as soon as I can afford one for us it looks like a better way to connect with Jesus. I’m looking forward to the rest of these lessons.
I’ve read John and studied him but I think this is going to be more profound for me I’m excited about it and today’s reading was great
I’m truly excited!
Been looking for something like this
I enjoyed learning a new way to help my relationship with
God grow even stronger as well as my love awesome teaching and it was very helpful
I’ve been struggling with how to read and internalize the word of God, but this method is interesting and I’m excited to try it to get a better understanding of His word.
I enjoy this study I need to keep on with this study. Good study.
Quite an intimacy. Abide bible just amazingly eye opener. So interactive, educative and interesting. More blessings
I loved it, I’m a new Christian and just hungry for the words of Jesus and God. Thank you for sharing this.
Thank you for helping me.
I stumbled across this today. Seems the Lord knew I needed this cause I truly feel the same. Thanks for making this possible can’t wait for what is in store for tomorrow’s lesson
If Jesus today says to me, “Come and see.” after I ask where he’s staying, he would be inviting me to his throne in glory where he rules the universe and prays for me 24/7. Breathtaking. Simply breathtaking!!
How can I get the entire series of John in the Abide Bible with Phil Collins?
We’ll send an email to you each day with a link to Dr. Collins’ teaching on each chapter all the way through the book.
Thank you for the orderly way that you laid out the Bible studying on John,it really makes it easy and understandable
Just what I needed, this will help me draw near to God.
I think about the gospel song “remind me dear Lord” As I listened to the teacher my mind recalled the work God has done in my life. So often, in life, I forget who Christ is.
Thank you for sharing how these four steps are used to study God’s Word. I so enjoyed my first session and will continue on the next twenty days.
This Bible Study is different from others I have participated in, but I will be sticking with it.
I really like the way it is explained, the four steps. I am looking forward to the remaining sessions.
I used to do these steps without even realizing they were steps. It just felt natural. Then on New Year’s Day my husband passed away from lung cancer after a nine year adventure through chemo and biologics. He had mental illness before the cancer diagnosis and smoked his whole adult life. Since then the joy in life has diminished greatly and I just do not understand why. Then this popped up on my computer and I am going to DIVE into this to re-enter into The Joy of the LORD. FATHER GOD please return to me the joy of my Salvation. AMEN.
Thank you. Very inspiring. I’d like to continue this study.
This was a great study time and video. Just long enough and I am excited to delve deeper into the great truths in the book of John. It was easy to access and download the Book of John. How do I get to day 2? Thank you!
enjoyerd first session
I am loving it – and am excited and looking forward to the rest of the 21 days – thank you!
Thank you. It is clear and well paced.
have been wanting a plan for reading the Bible in an organized way.
I enjoyed it very much! I cried because I felt God calling me to study more in depth all of his word! Look forward to more.
Wonderful way to go deeper in the Word of God
and how do I go to lesson 2
I finished day1 yesterday
I enjoyed this very much. I ordered an Abide Bible today, so I’m looking forward to joining along with it in hand. I think our teacher is good. Thanks!
That was awesome, I enjoyed the presence of God.
Thanks for this lesson “Abide in Me and I in you ” this word is good to me to become a new life and I like it and I praye to your ministries to spread gospel to the global Amen.
These study steps guides one onto a deeper realm in the study of God’s word. I love the idea of personalizing the scripture to see how it relates to you, and also the fact that you get to pray on it. God bless the Abide bible team that has put this together.
This helped me to study. I study the Bible every day and one day I fell asleep and awoke and this Abide Bible was there! I was very interested and took a look. As I read. I could see John talking to the people telling them about Jesus and that He was coming. This helped me to redefine what I was doing. My come and see is about making Disciples. Having a relationship with Chirst
that makes people be drawn to Him through me. I’m going to tell others about this Bible study! I can’t wait to read chapter 2!
This is powerful and truly helpful. Asking the Holy Spirit to meet me in my thoughts was deep. Jhn. 1:35-51 was most illuminating. Thank you.
My husband and I are doing this 21 day study to go an extra distance for the Lord and our marriage. We know we will be blessed in it and thank you for being a vessel for Jesus !
I enjoyed learning new ways to study The Bible God’s Word.
Very helpful
I am going to enjoy reading the Bible more with these new tools.
It’s been awesome. It has given me a new perspective to the way I study the word of God. I’m soo grateful for the video and the downloadable materials. I recently bought the Jesus Calling Devotional Bible but I think I’ll get the Abide Bible too. It has great stuff.
A new and structured way to study the Word and internalize lessons.
I am immensely touched by this approach to Bible Study. Many Bible resources tell you much about Jesus and the Bible in general, without addressing the all-important issue of HOW to read the Bible content for effectively. At last I come across the resource that addresses that issue, “HOW to read the Bible”. I look forward to receiving the Day 2 lesson. God bless you.
Thank you very much for your method of ensuring that I study the bible in a way that I would eperience God. It has always been my wish and prayer that I have an encounter with GOD, but I haven’t received that experience yet. I am praying that thisjourney I am starting today will help me to encounter God in a way that I have been trying to previously.
I always struggle to study the word of God.
The video and walking with me helped me and encouraged me to carry on . Thank you so much.
Praise God !! This is an answered prayer, I can now learn how to study God’s word more effectively. Thank you.
Thank you for breaking this down into an understandable and more meaningful process for learning and retaining what I read.
Thank you so much for helping me learn to study the word of God effectively. I’m looking forward to learning more of my Lord and Saviour.
First of God bless you for your prayers and faithfulness
I really need something like this Dr. Nelson, I would like to keep up with this wonderful 21 day journey, I am not that great with the computer, and I have difficulties getting to the bible passages, but to God be the glory, I may figure it out, God bless you and your family
Evangelist Fayette Howard
Thank you so much for the Abide Bible Study. Although I have only done Day 1 I already sense I am reading Scripture differently. I want so much to engage more closely with God and my Saviour, Jesus Christ. I look forward to receiving the remaining 20 video sessions. I feel so excited about this course.
I am very grateful that ‘The Abide Bible’ is a very useful resource.
I have done Day 1 and I am loving how I am interracting with God’s word.
God bless the team at Thomas Nelson Bibles for offering this for free.
Thank you for this, I bought the Abide Bible and would like to continue this study but can’t find the rest of the days.
I enjoyed it. I think the four steps will help me slow down and get more out of the word. To let the Holy Spirit teach me and talk with me.
Thank You
Thank you so much for this wonderful method of studying the Bible and for the generosity to download “ The Abide Bible. God bless you.
This is quite a spiritual eye opener. I thank God.
Thank you so much for insight through the method you are using in reading and understanding the Word of God. It is worth it.
A renew way for me to slow down and dig deep in God words. Thank you
I have always wanted to learn how to study the Bible in a meditative manner, and I’m glad I found this. Looking forward to day 2
I like it and I look forward to knowing more by the end of the 21 days. Thank you
Awesome looking forward to getting closer and more deeper with my King
I am happy to have found this study Bible. I have read this chapter in the past, but never really looked at it or understand it they way I did in this study. Thank you!
I used to reading/studying the bible and sometimes I just got bored and frustrated. Now I have found the right direction which I belief will has come handy for one to have more interest in the word of God and to grow spiritually.
This is a great start
I finished the contemplation regarding the phrase “come and see”. I knew about this idea of praying before reading the scripture and asking YAWEH to reveal what HE wants me to “take away”. I never really bothered to do this but today was different as I followed the prompts I believe I had an answer to prayer! I have been for the last 15 years wanting to be fully baptized. I am a converted roman catholic who has truly received YESHUA as my saviour and left this institution in obedience to the complex leading of the HOLY SPIRIT. I have been for years now convicted for the need to be re-baptized as the anabaptists did some 500 years ago. Every time I think about baptism I have had this idea to go to Jerusalem in order to get baptized in the Jordan river exactly or as close as possible to the place where YESHUA was baptized. I have had two different occasions to be baptized and have for some very strange or unusual reason turned down the opportunity because of this inescapable idea that I have been harbouring for the last 15 years. Two new ideas came from todays contemplation.
1. I reflected upon the idea on whether I am elevating YESHUA or do I elevate myself somehow in this situation. I do not believe that I am making myself more important or elevating my need for baptism and where I go to do this; more importantly I think that I am actually making this decision in order to elevate YESHUA and to elevate the importance of baptism. This may actually be the point of this 15 year battle of the mind; to experience the fullest understanding that I could possibly find on why infant baptism is not capable of washing away original sin and how I have studied and prayed for a great deal of time in order to make this happen in accordance with YAWEHS will and not my will!
2. The next step or idea that I experienced in this contemplations and prayer was the “come and see” statement that YESHUA offered to Andrew who was following. But first YESHUA asked them “what do you seek?” and they responded “where do you stay”. This is exactly what I have come to realize; I truly want “come and see” where YESHUA stayed and where HE was baptized. This has been a very long prayer; a 15 year long prayer that seems to have been answered in the midst of this method of studying, praying, asking and contemplating or meditating in a quiet way in order to hear the whisper of GODS voice!
I believe I now have the answer and must act on this as my two daughters who have also received YESHUA as their savour and they have also come out of her:
Rev 18: 4 Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues; her”
My two daughters, Siobhan and Darragh have also indicated a desire to go with me to the “river” and get baptized together. I have prayed for their salvation for over 20 years and YAWEH delivered them from sin and into the arms of YESHUA; they received him and HE accepted them!
I now know my mission is to get going on this trip before things get shut down again. I may never have this opportunity again before things get really bad and I believe that my prayer has been answered as far as knowing GODS will in this long standing prayer or request for clarity.
The funds have already been delivered mysteriously as my parents have been dispersing inheritance money before they pass away to their 5 children of which there will be sufficient funds to pay for this trip. I am going to extend an invitation to my mother to “come and see” as she is still involved deeply in the roman institution. This may also be an evangelistic event whereby my mother may very well have an opportunity to receive YESHUA as her saviour. She has not been taught the whole gospel unfortunately and does not understand that salvation is offered through YESHUA and Grace is dispersed by YAWEH not the church. She has been taught that Grace is dispersed through her institution and that baptism actually washes away original sin. I believe that it is the Blood of YESHUA that washes away all sin…original and ongoing. We are justified by the blood sacrifice of YESHUA whereby we look or appear to GOD…” just as if we had never sinned”. This begins the lifelong process of sanctification where HE makes us holy and does the work necessary to clean up our soul. The act of Baptism is an act of obedience to do what YESHUA did in order to continue the transformation that will become apparent in our appearance and in our actions as we grow closer and where we actually “know” YESHUA and the intimacy of our relationship grows into a deeper love that consumes our entire mind, our entire soul, our entire heart and all of our strength. This lifelong process whereby we work out our salvation has benchmarks along the way and I have come to understand that a believers baptism is one which must not be taken lightly and I believe in my life is one where I have had to come into total obedience and where any doubt in my mind will be washed away as I do as the disciples did and I accept the invitation to “follow me”. It is also clear that even John the Baptist knew enough to be obedient and to recognize that he was not the Messiah and that he must die to self in order to reveal the true MESSIAH! He literally died to self in a most grievous way which indicates to me the unholiness and ugliness of the “kingdom of darkness”; this alone makes me to not want anything to do with this kingdom and points me to the KINGDOM of GOD which is exactly the reason why YESHUA came to first teach the KINGDOM of GOD and then he taught us the salvation message on how to get there after HE was questioned.
My question has finally been answered after 15 years of praying! I now want to “come and see” and then the next step will be to “follow HIM”.
I am enjoying this a lot i am not very good at studying the bible i have read the whole bible at least three times in my life but did not know how to actually study it i was more concerned about making sure to read it before i started my day i did not know actually how the whole process worked but this i can use to get more out of Gods scripture than just saying i read my bible today now i can say i studied my bible also.
I really enjoyed day 1 and was challenged to sloooow down more as I spend time in the scriptures and in his presence.
I like that this is teaching me a new way to learn. Looking forward to more.
I really enjoy day 1 lesson and it open up to me to learn how to visualise what the Lord wants us to know n see in His word. Learning how to pray in His word. Thank you.
I enjoyed the session and would like to continue with the next 20 days in the Book of John to have greater understanding and experience.
How does that happen for me?
How can I find the study on 21 days in John? I can’t find it. I would love to follow along and implement this new practice into my day.
We’re so glad you enjoyed this first day in John. You will get an email every day for 21 days with a link to the devotional.
It was amazing! God did spoke to me, indeed!! He said: Come and see My Kingdom in heaven
In this study of John I have. Discovered that I was in self-reliance not abiding in the Lord but now I have decided to abide in him in everything I do. Thanks Julius Okiror.
Wao, this is great and awesome may the name of the Lord be glorified fir the grace am granted to be part of those who study.
Knowing there is a difference in reading and study, I have desired a study guide for some time now. I enjoyed chapter 1 and am committed to continue and allow the Holy Spirit help me grow in His word and walk closer in relationship with Him.
I really enjoyed your l spirit filled message yesterday, God bless you father and bother. God is using you to carry people along. I had been looking for day 2 but couldn’t find it .
How refreshing to be told to come and see Jesus never tells us to run to him, but to flee from evil. He walked to get to his destination. IF he wasnt walking (mode of transportation) he was sleep or deeply calm if the means where not by foot.
Thank you, Basic Bible Study Method is very Helpful.
Great way to engage the word of God.
The idea of meeting with God as I engage with scripture became even more real. The fact that the God who created the universe is interested in me and invites me to come and see Him at work is truly humbling.
This is a great method for studying the Word. Thankyou very much!
I thank the lord God for you…..
Such a beautiful time spent in God’s word with this devotional. Thank you for this method of really going deeper into His word and listening to the voice of Jesus in a new way.
The first day of this journey has really blessed me and opened up a way to grow closer to God. The NKJV Abide Bible is a great way for many to be able to grow in their personal walk with God. It would be a true blessing if they would make this Bible free to download so that everyone can have that special growth. There are many people out there who are searching for God and wanting that close relationship with Him but money stands in their way because they can’t afford to buy this Bible. We have to find a way to reach those that are lost and need encouragement from God’s Word and making Bibles like this one free would do just that. So that is just my opinion but it is also my prayer.
Previously I did Bible Study in order to better my Christianity understanding. I gained much through that, however this time the book of John is simlpified gaining better indepth understanding. Looking forward to the second video.
Abide: 21 Days in John uplifted my understanding, encouraging to live in Jesus Christ. Looking forward for 2nd day video amd reading.
I have read the Gospel of John many times and studied it exegetically in the Seminary; however, meditating on it again, one continues to learn. His word is an inexhaustible source; what a blessing!
This is so transforming can’t wait to dive into Day 2
I have studied and taught the Gospel of John several times. I enjoyed the study on chapter 1 and this approach to study it.
Blessings to all who created this format. I am beyond grateful for God’s divine timing. Just this week I prayed seeking knocking & asking God to help me be consistent in His Word. This is the answer to my prayer. It brought the Word of God to life for me showing that truly the Word of God is a living Word. I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit give me understanding with a fire to seek Him more.
Am excited in what I’d discover in this study. I love the steps we are using and I believe I’ll use it henceforth. Thank you for the enlightenment.
Thank you… I like this format and the guided, structured approach eventually covering the whole of the gospel of John. Day 1. Success
I enjoyed day 1 and look forward to Day 2.
This is wonderful, I’ve descovered the biggest secret of intimate fellowship with the father by deep meditation on the word of God. Good quiet and silent time to wait upon the lord here in an input out of the four steps. God bless all.
I appreciate the invitation to study John through the contemplate plan with Abide. Day 1 guided me through the process and it revealed a deeper way study the scripture. I completed this on Friday, but have not received Day 2 in my e-mail. I hope it comes soon.
Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.
John 16:24 NKJV
So much of my life I wanted to go deeper into my relationship with the Lord and a lot of times I thought I had only to find out how shallow and religious I was, but just recently I finally surrendered my life to Christ and truly understand what it means to follow him and I can literally count it all joy because in my heart I’ve given it all to Him. I have and am continuing to learn more and more about what it means to abide in Jesus and what it is to live through Faith, by the Holy Spirit, In Jesus Name, Amen. And by studying God’s word this way I can only image where and how our relationship will grow. I am so excited to see all that God has for me behind “Come and See”. Thank you heavenly Father for this blessing. In Jesus Name, Amen..
Just finished day 1 of 21. I’m exited to see what Gods word will do in and around me on this journey.
The message was so amazing it taught me how to ready the bible, meditate upon the word and pray. Thank you Jesus.
Looking forward to Day 2.
I have written that I enjoyed my experience with studying Chapter 1 Gospel of John.
Come and see and follow me has made me realize that is what Jesus wants me to do on a daily basis. Jesus told Nathaniel that he had seen him under a tree. Actually Jesus knew everything about him. Just as Jesus knows everything about me. He loves me so much that He wants me to come and see and follow Him as I comprehend more deeply what He has in store for me. How exciting to learn a new way of digesting His Word and His path for me as I put my faith and trust in Him with more understanding. I look forward to developing this new skill studing the Bible more deeply.
I have been looking for the second day study in my email, but to no avail. I am so looking forward to receiving it. When can I anticipate it being sent to me? The first day was so eye opening in the way I read the first chapter, that I am waiting in anticipation.
It’s awesome
Thank you so much for providing this lesson plan, and application. After the first lesson, I realized it’s not as complicated to study the bible as I perceived. This process flows freely with me, and I thank God for this is an answered prayer. I pray that I remain consistent in this study, and that this does not become a habit but creates a hunger in me, a sustenance that I cannot live without. All Glory be to God!
It is insightful and helpful to see the scripture from a personal and intimate perspective.
The engagement is very heart warming. Truly thankful
Very well conducted and great speaker
To always respond to God when he calls.
This is refreshing and nurturing to my spirit. I am blessed
Contemplation is a wonderful tool that will enhance my Bible studies
I very much enjoyed Day 1 of this plan yesterday. When will I receive the email for Day 2?
Praise God for the lesson!
This is a very simplistic way of engaging God in his holy word. Very satisfying, and refreshing to know that when we open up the word of God, we’re engaged in God himself.
This is a very enjoyable way to get a deeper understanding of scripture. I’m enjoying it.
I’m super excited about the change I’m about to experience in my life.
I firmly believe that this series will help me to slow down and soak up time with Christ and to help me know him completely
Seeking to understand His word through this study
I found his pace very relaxing. The content was explained well and there was sufficient time to engage with the word. Looking forward to tomorrow’s lesson.
New to reading the Bible. This helped tremendously
God has answered my prayer. Thank you for this, I nreally need this.
I am so blessed, this is exactly i was looking for, will definitely benefit
The books of John are uplifting in faith, baptism, trusting in Jesus Christ and above all serving God
Father Jehovah I humbly thank & Praise you for bringing me here today. I recently joined a daily 6am Prayer that has changed/renewed my Spirit & walk. This daily journey will further enhance this AWESOME rekindling for my Spirit. Thank you, thank you, Amen, Amen&Halleluyah☝
The Holy Spirit has been prodding me to spend time in scripture. I always fall asleep when I sit and read the Bible. I did not fall asleep reading the first chapter of John today (Hallelujah!). I am soooo excited to continue this study! I did download the NKJV of the Abide Bible; I believe I will purchase the hard copy also! Thank you for offering to teach me a whole new and meaningful way of reading and studying Gods Word!
I just finished the first lesson and believe I am on the right track for a Bible study plan that will help me with a new way to read and contemplate the scriptures. I look forward to continuing this study for the next 20 days.
Pretty Kool – Looking forward to the next few days to see how the study develops – My prayer is that everyone doing this study increases the amount of time they spend with The Lord in His Word each day – This is the only way I know of deepening an intimate relationship with Jesus our King.
My first day was encouraging and strengthening my inner man. I needed this all along.
I’ve been meaning to launch into a new year with a more focused approach and this is a good way to make that happen. I’ve had my Abide Bible for a couple of years and needed this little bit of added structure to get me started.
Thank you for leading me to the Abide bible app. I have been thinking of reading John several times but it slips out of my mind. This day onwards I will study the book and dive deeper to understand the love of Jesus and what he wants us to do.
I have found this bible worth reading. How i’d wish to have a hardcopy of this ABIDE Bible to be of help in my spiritual journey. This would be a gift that i’ll so much treasure
My first day was on February 10th, 2024. I was looking for something, I go to a church, but something was from my prayer life. I didn’t get out of reading the Bible as I use to. When used to read the Bible,?it seems like the word would jump off the pages at. I know things have changed within me. I needed this to encourage me. Thanks !!!
What an impactful reading! I live the boom of John and how you break it down!
I am extremely grateful that this program came upon me at this very season in my life where I can say I’m on fire for God! Extremely excited and I was having a hard time really savoring everything I was reading! I’m extremely grateful for this method. I feel that with this manner I am able to understand and actually abide and apply these methods into my life and abide and apply the word of God to my everyday life . Thank you
This is definitely a new way for me on how to approach the Bible, and not to just read through it but to contemplate on it and see how the Word applies to me and what the Holy Spirit is saying to me through the Word.
I have been reading this way for a few months.A little over a week ago I learned about Lectio Divina or”Divine Reading” which is your method of reading the Bible. I truly think that God showed it to me and now has sent a follow up message through you that this is the best way to read but more importantly to absorb what is being read and retaining what I have read and understanding what God is wanting me to learn and applying to my life.I found it very interesting and uplifting.
Just started this Bible study after recently learning about this through an email. The sense of seeing seems to be a recurrent theme in the book of John, as well as other Gospels like Matthew especially in the Sermon on the Mount. I also get reminded of the Psalm “Oh taste and see that the Lord is good.”
It was refreshing, just what I needed. This short study reminded me to slow down and even when busy, MAKE time to meditate on His Word. Thank you ☺️
I like in-depth studies of the Bible. I received the email and immediately signed up. God help me to Abide in you.
Thank you.
I enjoyed reading today’s lesson, and I will be learning more about God as I read I think you for allowing me to study your material about God thank you
I now understand the abiding, looking forward for more, thank you so much
Thank you for the 21 Days in John series and what it is teaching me about rediscovering the Bible as something much deeper than just a book. On Day 1, I received encouragement realizing God knows where I’m at even if it is sitting under a fig tree.
I am very thankful that I received an invitation to join in for this study on the book of John. I enjoyed learning the process that we will go through for this study, and am eager to learn more. Thank you so much for this opportunity.
I love the way the Abide Bible causes me to be able to do such a deep study on the word, and how it helps us to learn to pray more in the scriptures. I truly believe that this is a game changer, which wil cause the scripture to come alive deeply within me. Also, it will be a great way for me to get my children more involved in the study of the Word right alongside me…
I am so happy I came across this bible study. I had been seeking to go deeper in my relationship with God and this is truly this bible study is truly the answer to my prayer. I’m excited to start this 21 day journey.
This was my first video or first day, and I have to admit it was very emotional. I did feel the Holy Spirit guiding me, as He often does. That is how I think I found this.
I just started the 21 day Abide Bible Book of John study. I have to admit I truly appreciate this form of learning. I was snuggling in many different versions, just never felt right. I was missing aways wondering what it was. The I get this email from Thomas Nelson Bible’s and invited to do this study with this Bible in NKJV ABIDE OR NET which they provide. I said ok and I slowed down and did as the gentleman requested. And I love it. Thanks
I have the need to elevate myself spiritually and not knowing how to get started. I came across this site and feel that this is where the Lord would have me begin my studies. Beginning this session in studying the Book of John will cause me to focus more, be still and listen to what the Lord is saying. I appreciate this opportunity that is afforded to anyone who wants to take advantage of this free course. Blessings.
Refreshing new way to learn to better abide in Him and better live the Word.
Thanks and Blessings
Today’s devotion made me stop and think about the desire and need to learn about God. For me to abide by his word and learn who he is and why I need to follow him and have him in my life daily. To understand his purpose for my life and my duties to him as his child. To know his purpose for his word and why learning about him and his word is the most valuable lesson throughout life. Thanks for this teaching!
I earnestly want seek out Jesus in more personal way and I love the abide caption of day one
Trying to find my way back. This study helps guide into time with God that will help me find the path.
Excellent. The speaker is wonderful with a great countenance for this work. Also has a gift for timing. Not too drawn out but also not too brief. It added a lot to my ability to better study and understand the Word.
I could not stop reading until chapter 4 . It took me a long time but I received more out of each text.
Eating the whole roll.
I am blessed by reading this scripture. Jesus invites me to come and see. Come and learn from him. If I accept this invitation and follow him, I will be called a child of God.
I am refreshed. It’s amazing how just “come and see” can change your life in so many ways. Blessed
I am so grateful that The Lord wants me to be with Him quietly.
Reading this is blessing me everyday and I want to be closing to him everyday and I’m starting right now
Started this 21 days journey with the Lord through the book of John. I really appreciate my first day experience and hope to have a fulfilling 3 weeks.
Very good
This was awesome. It’s a totally new way to do Bible study and to learn the word. How do I go today to lesson two?
Started this 21 days journey with the Lord through the book of John. I really appreciate my first day experience and hope to have a fulfilling 3 weeks.
I enjoyed the abide Bible reading scripture with this method is priceless. I can’t wait for chapter 2.
I praise God, for the wonderful gift of 21 days, I needed it, so many questions are being answered. God is real, human, and loves us so much. Thankfully I have been given the way to talk to Him in a wonderful unity. Praise Him at all times.
Very thought provoking. I sometimes read several chapters at a time, but without absorbing the important message. Sometimes my slips off, while I’m reading, and gets into the problems I’m having at work without really soaking in the message I have read. I need to slow down for sure, as well as focus on Gods word.
Missed days 2-3. How do I access them?
Thank you for offering this. The structure helps me to be more mindful about what I’m reading and be intentional in the application of the Word.
I’m impressed. I felt a feeding of the spirit like never before in reading a gospel book. Triumphant! I understand people are having problems accessing Day 2. I hope it’s available for me tomorrow. This study was the highlight of my day. Thanks so much. Keep them coming, please!
I’m enjoying this lesson. I wish to learn more
Love this approach to studying God’s word!! Looking forward to lesson #2!!!
Yes I am enjoying this lesson so far it seems really hard but I will be obedient so I can get understanding of who God is I think this will be good for me so I can learn how to have a good understanding of the Bible
How can i get the abide ?
Struggled with downloading the Book of John via the link in the YouTube video. Finally, I went directly to the website “abideseries.com” and successfully conducted the download and subsequent printing. Excellent First Day 1
I love reading the Bible and engaging in Bible studies. I have also seen different methods such as the SOAK method where S = Scripture (picking a verse or two, then observation, application, then writing out a prayer. While I know there is no right or wrong way, I can never seem to find the words to write down, regardless of what method I’m using. That’s one reason I’m taking some free Bible classes to learn more about theology, Eschatology, critical thinking, etc.