Fully Updated, Redesigned and Expanded
Over 2 million readers around the world have had their spiritual lives enriched and their understanding of Scripture deepened, thanks to the enlightening insights and penetrating study tools in The MacArthur Study Bible. Drawing on more than 50 years of dedicated pastoral and scholarly work, Dr. John MacArthur’s unwavering unparalleled commitment to illuminating God’s Word is vividly displayed in this comprehensive volume.
This updated 2nd edition in the NKJV and NASB features:
• 190 maps, charts and diagrams
• 25,000+ verse-by-verse study notes
• 72,000 eye-opening cross references
• An exceptionally detailed concordance
• Plus insightful articles, book introductions and more to make serious study of the Bible even more enlightening and personally rewarding
NASB MacArthur Study Bible Editions


