New King James Version

The Open Bible, NKJV

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New King James Version

The Open Bible, NKJV

The Ultimate Reference Bible.

For over 50 years, The Open Bible has been a trusted resource for exploring and navigate through the interconnected themes and teachings in Scripture Scripture. The ultimate reference Bible, it is filled with study helps like a topical index to the Bible, cross-references, word studies, articles, graphs, charts, and maps. Book introductions and outlines augment your study providing an understanding of context and themes from beginning to end.

Red Letter:Yes Text Size: 9 | medium Size Chart Sewn Binding: Yes

The Ultimate Reference System for Over 40 Years

The Open Bible offers a time-tested, complete reference system trusted by millions. 

Key study features:

  • Easy-to-navigate topical index with 50,000 entries displaying the connections between 8,000 names, places, concepts, events, and doctrines
  • Interactive book introductions and outlines help you understand the historical context, themes, and verse relationships within Scripture
  • Chain-reference doctrinal notes reveal the interconnected big picture of the entire Bible.
    This Bible is an ideal option to have a name personally engraved.


Book Introductions

Book introductions and outlines explain the historical context, themes, and verse relationships for each Bible book.

Cross References

Over 72,000 cross references are conveniently located in a center-column near the verses you wish to study.

Extensive Topical Index

An index of key Scripture references provides context summaries under 8,000 topics and sub-topics.


Easily find key Scripture verses for keywords you wish to study.

Visual Survey of the Bible

The Visual Survey of the Bible illustrates the entire scope and timeline of Scripture.

Guide to Christian Workers

A Guide to Christian Workers offers biblical direction straight from Scripture for those in Christian ministry.


5.0 out of 5 stars

I ordered this bible for myself last year, and I love it. My husband started using it and since love it so much, I asked him if he wanted his own. Hence, I brought another one. We love the large print since our eyes are getting dim. It is very difficult to find such an outstanding study bible in a large print. This is my favorite study bible because it does not weigh you down with the commentary. It helps you to learn God's word on your own with the translations and reference scriptures right in the passage.

From Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars

This is the first bible that I owned that was easy to read and study. This bible is packed with so many extras and added benefits to help anyone on their Christian journey. This bible even helps and provides clear and concise strategies to help bring others to Christ. I would highly recommend this bible to anyone looking to expand their relationship with God. This bible includes a dictionary, concordance, maps, study guides, etc... it has everything one would need to explore the deeper things of God. I can't say enough good things about this bible.

From Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars

I been waiting for this for a long time. Got a different one last year but my eyes just don't see the small print as well. It too some time to find this, but the shippers got it out and even in this time of year with all the mail traffic, it got here relatively quick. Thank you so much. This bible is one that I've used since 1987 and hopefully this will be the last one I need to get.

From Amazon