New International Version

The Open Bible, NIV

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New International Version

The Open Bible, NIV

The Ultimate Reference Bible.

The Bible is a collection of 66 books written by many writers over a vast time period, and yet it’s the unified Word of God. The Open Bible offers easy navigation through the interconnected themes and teachings in Scripture with a time-tested complete reference system trusted by millions. Book introductions and outlines augment your study providing an understanding of context and themes from beginning to end.

Red Letter:Yes Text Size: 9 | medium Size Chart Sewn Binding: Yes

Key Study Features:

  • Easy-to-navigate topical index with 50,000 entries displaying the connections between 8,000 names, places, concepts, events, and doctrines
  • Interactive book introductions and outlines help you understand the historical context, themes, and verse relationships within Scripture
  • Chain-reference doctrinal notes reveal the interconnected big picture of the entire Bible.
    This Bible is an ideal option to have a name personally engraved.


Book Introductions

Interactive book introductions and outlines explain the historical context, themes, and verse relationships within each book of the Bible.

NIV Concordance

The NIV Concordance helps you find Scriptures that include key words you are interested in.


Charts such as the Prophecies of the Messiah Fulfilled in Christ help you understand context and themes throughout Scripture.

Words of Jesus in Red

Quickly find the words of Jesus in the Bible printed in red type.

Full Color Maps

Full color maps help provide context for different eras and locations during Bible times.

Cross References

Cross references are conveniently located at the bottom of each page.