TYBK Pauls Longest Letter

November 12, 2024

What is the longest of Paul’s letters in the Bible?

That’s right! At just over 7,100 words, Paul’s letter to the Romans is the longest of his epistles in the Bible.

Read Romans by clicking here! 

See what The Evangelical Study Bible has to teach us about the book of Romans:

“Romans has been recognized by Christians throughout the centuries as one of the most profound and prolific expressions of the gospel message ever produced. While not intended to serve as a comprehensive manual of Christian doctrine, it does contain some of the most thorough treatments of the doctrine of salvation contained in the New Testament.

From his epistle, we learn that Paul wrote in order to introduce himself to the church in Rome and to prepare them for his intended visit. In addition, he sought to address conflicts that had begun to form, many of which were the result of Jewish and Gentile divisions. his treatment of the doctrine of salvation, the status of Israel and the relationship between Jews and Gentiles, and his practical instruction provided his readers with an overview of the message he proclaimed and theological insight that related to their current situation and relationship to one another.”

NKJV Evangelical Study Bible photo

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The Evangelical Study Bible offers a refreshing way to study God’s Word focused on the unchanging truth of the gospel. Verse-by-verse commentary and interesting sidebars dig into the historical and contextual background of Scripture helping you grow in your understanding and appreciation of the life-changing truths of the Christian faith. Also included are more than fifty articles that help you better understand your faith and effectively share it with others.